Thursday, August 14, 2008

What now?

I haven't blogged for the longest time. I've been putting off writing since I wanted to write something substantial, something worth speculating about. I've had a sea of ideas, yet I never went ahead and typed it down. I was too concerned about what people would think. (as if) But you know what, so what. I'm not writing for anyone anyway.

Today I'm writing. Not for you. Not for my Mom. Not even for my friends. But I'm writing for me.

During my English class last summer, I was asked what writing was for me. Before that day, I never really thought writing was that big of a deal. I just though it was something I did just because I needed to rant or it was something required for school. It was only then and there that I realized it's value. It was only then that I appreciated it's therapeutic effects on me. I wrote that when I'm faced with a problem and I write about it, I get more sense out of the situation rather than by just thinking about it. It is because when I write I give more thought into it. Once I finish a paragraph or two, I can concretely see the pieces of the puzzle.

My classmate, Regina said writing was like a friend. Whenever or wherever you may be, it will always be there to listen to you. It would just be right there. A blog page, a piece of yellow paper, your table napkin, your cellphone and what not- you can always count on writing. Have you ever thought of it that way? It's so true. It indeed is like a friend. It will never judge you for your actions or your grammatical errors. It will keep your secrets sacred. It will never betray you. It will remember everything you said before. What more could you ask for?

So starting today, I'm writing for no one else but myself. I wouldn't care less what others thought. I wouldn't care less if no one gives a shit. I'm just happy that I'm writing. Writing endlessly, carelessly, aw who gives a shit.

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