I could remember that this was the problem I told everyone in my small sharing group during my senior retreat two years ago. Until now, I have a hard time getting over it. "It" could mean an embarrassing reply to a waiter to serious issues like in relationships. I hate the fact that I do this all the time. Once, me and my mom ate at a Thai restaurant and I told the waitress to give us 2o minutes to order. Then my mom went "No sorry about that, just give us a minute." HAHA Who in the world needs 20 minutes to order from a 3 page menu. After that scenario I couldn't look at the waitress, I was too embarrassed. I should know that she serves more than 20 people in a day and she doesn't really care about what just happened, but thats just me. I refused to give her my order and instead just let my mom do it. HAHA That's just plain weird, I know.
I'm on this subject cause today is CLUB INFO DAY. It's a day where all the clubs have booths near the canteen to recruit new members. And yes, 4 hours after this scenario, I'm still fis*in not over it. It pertaining to one conversation(more like unconversation) that happened during the event. So yeah. I should get over it.
Hey I made the club logo :)

I'm on this subject cause today is CLUB INFO DAY. It's a day where all the clubs have booths near the canteen to recruit new members. And yes, 4 hours after this scenario, I'm still fis*in not over it. It pertaining to one conversation(more like unconversation) that happened during the event. So yeah. I should get over it.
Hey I made the club logo :)

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