Thursday, January 31, 2008
Fvck was I
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
After 2 and a half months of not seeing each other, they finally made time. They were that busy. They are in one city and their schools are only a 6-peso-fair-ride apart- yet it took them that long to reunite. XD Oh well. That's how my friends are and I absolutely love them for that. It only means less MISSED stories and misadventures for me. haha Keep it up guys. If you continue with that pace, I may be able to hang out with you the next time. hahaha XD
Miss ko na kayo mxdo. :'c Thanx for being my family in DVO. Wala pa rin kau nagbagooo. haha. See you sooon. Padalahan nyo na ako nang pera para maka uwi na ako. ha? txt lang. haha XD

Gladys! Monica!
Salamat sa pag cut nang classes para makachat tayo.
Makahilak pud ko ug silya ana ui. hahaha
Hi Bei.
Monday, January 28, 2008

That was the end of my day. I pray for more EXCITING days to come. Graphic Design lessons start tomorrow. Yipeeeee! I bet I won't be able to sleep tonight. haha :D WOOT!WOOT! :D
Friday, January 25, 2008
Lucky Who?
I am so nervous. I need all the luck I need. I got all my fingers crossed. @_@
Ohh, you think you've got it
But got it just don't get it
Till' there's nothing at all.."
(doomed for mistakes galore.) :-S

I got me the HOTTEST THING in the market.
I refuse to comply with the status quo.
The invigorating smell of a new solving machine fresh from the box.
The sweet sound of unpoked buttons and the slick two way solar power.
I've got me a new CASIO fx-115 ES.

Okeii Fine. I'll say it. I'm just jealous. hahaha. I want an iPod sooo badd.
"Hey there, Booboo!"
Just something that has been running through my mind.
Yogi Bear and the Jelly Stone Park. ? haha XD
Got me a new calculator for tomorrow's big exam. I've always wanted this model because it's user friendly and solves more questions than my old-fat-hand-me-down CASIO way back in high school. A fellow 4-Borgian had one of these. I remember how a lot of us were like jealous because she could solve problems in an instant while we had to undergo 5 minutes of agony ( that spent on- computing, writing down, thinking, computing, thinking.. hmm. erase. repeat. XD)
Okei. Enough. Be Back Later for my essayss T_T.
My Rollercoaster- Kimya Dawson
" what is it about you that has commandeered my brain?"

Thursday, January 24, 2008
P*** @#$!%^*^!! (Phuket, Thailand)
Okei here's the drill: You will be given a short yet deep passage then a question. You will only be given 25 minutes to answer. It just sucks for me cause my brain activity has stopped working for some time now. It runs on Friendster comments and Photoshop juice. I should have started reviewing weeks ago- but noooo I still let the crammer in me push me to wait a little more. It's one more day before test day and I'm still stuck on my first (out of the 8 practice essays) essay. T_T Here goes nothing.
Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the opposite view. They see old memories as a chance to reckon with the past and integrate past and present.
—Adapted from Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, I've Known Rivers: Lives of Loss and Liberation
Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present?
I believe that the past is very important because without it, I will never be the person that I am today. I see it as something to look back on not only to remember treasured memories but to also to learn from mistakes done. They always say that experience is the best teacher. Well, we all know that going through situations first hand will make us stronger and fitter to tackle even more complicated conditions in the future. So I believe that all the best tools that I have are the lesson I have kept from mistakes that I have undergone before. I also see the past as something that will keep me grounded. It will constantly remind me of where I came from and how I got to where I am today. Also, there might be a time that I will not be in my best condition. Remembering my past will help me understand what I did wrong. From there, I shall rebuild my life and use all the knowledge that I have stored.
IT SUCKS AND IS UNFINISHED. I KNOW. 25 minutes will never do for me. T_T
For the record, I have covered all the math pointers in two days thanks to and :D The lessons covered were from freshmen year to only like 1/4 of my senior year. I guess they say that math back in my school was way advanced than what they require here. Thank God for that. I love math. It feels so good when you get the right answer after 15 minutes of uninterrupted solving and 3 pages of scratch. haha Today I rate my progress to a 8/10. Today I have accomplished studying math, writing an essay(1/6), exercising (30 min of cardio dance huh! XD) and controlling myself from visiting my friendster & myspace(something I never miss going to every chance I have with the net- for that I give myself a GOLD star :D). Buuuut, wasn't able to control myself from missing multiply and youtube. I'm hooked. I've got a new interest- indie film making. It's so addicting. I'll make one soon. hahaha I have all the free time in the world. Yeah.
I go to sleep now. Gotta watch out for those dark under eyes @_@.
2x + y + 3z = 10
-3x - 2y + 7z = 5
3x + 3y - 4z = 7
I never got the right solution. Arg.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
4:10 am

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Shattered Belief
I can't get over it. I can't get over it. I can't get over it. I can't get over it.
I've been watching ONETREEHILL season5 and it's great like it has always been.
The Scott's really got it going. Rarr. XD
Heres the thing, while searching the net for photos from tonight's episode, I came across something I totally did not expect. While browsing sites from my Google search, I read that Kevin Federline aka Mr. Spears would be a guest in the show. I was like "Eeek." I really don't like him. I even totally agree to the fact that he is a huge factor as to why Britney is going mental. Anyway, going back to the subject, I went to because I wasn't getting what I was looking for from other websites. When I hit >>>photos>>OTH>>1>>2>>3.. I could not believe my eyes. O_O
In the show, his name is Jason and he plays the front man of the band who signs up with Peyton. He is this egoistic, self centered musician who wouldn't listen to any of Peyton's suggestions. He was all

I've learned another thing just now too. BTW means By The Way pala. HAHAHA I know I'm such a loser for thinking that BTW stood for BITAW. All this time, everytime I come across BTW on comment boxes I would think "OOh coool, Pinoy." My shattered belief. Google Search really has answers for every thing I tell you.
Today was fine. I'd rate myself a 6/10 for being a little progressive. Things didn't go as planned,but I did study. I studied ALGEBRA. Oh the horror of negative exponents. What the hell. I don't remember them and they just are so dang confusing. But I still love ratios and proportions though. Ms. Anper hello. I miss you. haha I've got to say no matter how strict you were, I remembered things you taught me. Bitaw. haha. But sleeping is really a big problem for me. My original plans were to wake up by 8 and sleep by 11- I woke up by 10 and now it's half past 11 and I'm still here typing, deleting and typing. One tree hill man gud baaa. ::) Anyway, I really got to go to sleep now. Till then ;)

... I won’t let melancholy
Play me for a fool
Oh, no I’m on my way somewhere new..
Monday, January 21, 2008
Horray for the Rabbits.
I am now venturing into the world of blogging. I am not a raconteur so this wont be the best place to expect the best. What induced me to start blogging is primarily to have a proper place to keep timed essays (25min. to be precise) that I MUST write for practice for the upcoming SAT’s this Saturday. I have been missing in action from composing subject-required papers for almost a year now because of me having to move. Thus, I now own a rusty vocabulary and I am at snail-speed at sentence construction. I liked writing essays but I was never the first one to finish in class- ever. I am indecisive and I can never go on if I am unsatisfied with what I just wrote. It took me a week to finish my 1000 word college entrance essay because the words I come up with were more often than not removed by the dreaded delete button.
So, here I am, desperately trying to make up for lost time. I have four days to cultivate the writer in me, which I doubt but prefer to think none the less. I believe that four days is better than none.
Aside from the former, I’m starting this site to fulfill my ever desire to own a blog site that I would actually update and keep. Something I have already tried 6 times- yet I failed because of lack of time and forgetting passwords. Yes I have had 6 blog sites in a span of 3 years-all of which are filled with at most 3 posts then left to rot in cyberspace forever. I’ll post some of my words from way back someday.
At first I decided to stick to my multiply account so as to not go through another backbreaking sign-up process, but because we went on another road trip for the weekend it was just today that I had the time to go online. But over the course of the two-day break for my computer, I discovered something that changed my mind.
Yesterday, while I was sitting at the back of our car wistfully contemplating on my thoughts , the subject about my ceaseless use of the internet has yet again become the topic of my parents. They have already told me ever so often to not make it a hobby. I tried, with all my will, I tried-but all those comments and photos and profiles and videos and celebrity gossip and art and things I just couldn’t resist keep me hooked. But I couldn’t tell them that; no matter how fun and open minded my mom and dad are they still ARE parents. They know that it’s not the healthiest leisure pursuit and I believe that. It’s just- oh I bet the world you already know what I’m talking about. So here is what happened:
Mama: Oh dinnaaa. Online na man pud lagi ka ALL DAY yesterday.
Dinna: Ma, dili man noooh.
Mama: Dinnaa. I’m your mom. I know.
Dinna: guilty & thinking-I’m always on stealth mode on YM.
How does she know?
Dinna: Huh? Unsa??
Mama: Sa multiply nimo noh, hala kung naay comments, reply dayun.
Dinna: -________-
I was like- what? She checks my multiply account? She goes all the way there?? I was so busted but she didn’t scold me. Oh I admire her patience. She just warned me once again that her relentless memos are for my own good. I wasn’t furious either because I knew I never really posted anything there that was too personal but it was freaky because what if I did! So that is my reason why this blog won't be read on my multiply. It is not safe. XD
That’s rounding up my very first post ever. Introducing why I’m here :) I went through all that singing up and I’m starting to make my layouts. I’ll change it soon hopefully. Yey! I like layouts. They’re purttyyy.
Well , wish me luck on my quest.
Till then, have a good one . ;)
Ps. It took me an hour and a half to finish this. Boo.